Saturday 5 October 2024

12/10/2024 - Calderwood Valley Golf Course - Club Championship - ROUND 2 - 7:00am

32 players from Miranda Golf Club teed off on a coolish morning (12 degrees) that warmed up to 18-20 by mid-morning.

The fairways had a very good grass cover and they had been well mowed producing a reasonable amount of 'run' and the rough was a bit long but in good condition.

The greens were in good condition and closely mown making putting challenging.

The Guzzlers Cup was won by Adrian Adelerhof.

1st Place:           Adrian Adelerhof (42 points)

2nd Place:         Tony Bedingfield (40 points)

3rd Place:           Geoff Hall (38 points)

Pink Ball:            Matt Saunders (14 points)

Ball Prizes:

  4th Hole: NTP:          Chris Lee

  6th Hole: NTP:           Matt Carlton

13th Hole: NTP:           Tim Tillbrook

 2nd Hole: D&P:          Moz Huertas

10th Hole: D&P:          Tony Bedingfield

8th Hole: Eagles Nest: Nobody

18th Hole - Longest Drive:

A-Grade:    Geoff Hall

B-Grade:    Tony Bedingfield

C-Grade:    Fred El-Daher

Horse Lotto ($100):



  1. Thanks to Darren Welsh & Geoff Hall for cooking the BBQ.
  2. Thanks to Peter Bull for bringing the bread rolls, rissoles, sausages & onions
  3. Thanks to Peter Bull for bringing the drinks



New Members:



The last round of the Eclectic Competition was decided last week at The Ridge:

In 1st place was Tim Tillbrook 61.3

In 2nd place was Rob Guidi 61.5

in 3rd place was Darren Welsh 62.1

Sunday 29 September 2024

5/10/2024 - The Ridge Golf Course - Club Championships - ROUND 1 - Last Round Eclectic - 5:50am

 32 players teed off on a fine day at 6:30am that turned into a warm and sunny day by mid morning as the sun burned off the cloud cover.

Bunkers were in play and there was a 300mm preferred lie on the fairways only.

The greens were in very good condition but fast for putting.

The fairways were dry with good run for the ball.

The Guzzlers Cup was won by Darren Welsh

1st Place:                                            Darren Welsh (42 points)

2nd Place:                                           Daniel Johnstone (41 points)

3rd Place:                                            Joe Taylor (39 points)

Pink Ball:                                            Scott Wootton (19 points)

Ball Prizes:

  5th Hole: NTP:                                  Ian Tillbrook

  8th Hole: NTP:                                  Gary Barnes

16th Hole: NTP:                                  Tim Tillbrook 

 3rd Hole: D&P:                                  Chris Lee 

12th Hole: D&P:                                 Moz Huertas

11th Hole: Eagles Nest:                       Nobody

17th Hole: Longest Drive: A-Grade:  Tim Tillbrook 

17th Hole: Longest Drive: B-Grade:  Tony Bedingfield

17th Hole: Longest Drive: C-Grade:  Steve Baker

New Members:





Thanks to Peter Bull for bringing the food

Thanks to Danny Yu for cooking the BBQ

Jeff Saunders attended the presentation after the game to show off the scar from his knee replacement surgery. It has been 6 weeks since his surgery but he may not be back at golf for another 2-3 weeks. I am sure that Susan will be very happy for him to play golf on Saturdays again.

Horse Lotto ($100):




Saturday 21 September 2024

28/09/2024 - Gerringong Golf Club - Individual Stableford - 9:02am

 22 players teed off on a sunny and fine morning with only a light wind with a forecast of rain later in the day.

As the number of players did not work for a 4-Ball Ambrose event the Captain changed the day's event to STAB.

The fairways were mainly lush and green with the greens firm and fast for putting.

The Guzzlers Cup was won by Grant Thompson.

1st Place:                            Grant Thompson (38)

2nd Place:                          Chris Dodd (36)

3rd Place:                           Julian Werrett (35)

Pink Ball:                             Danny Yu (19)

Ball Prizes:

  2nd Hole: NTP:                  Chris Dodd 

14th Hole: NTP:                   Frank Fuller

18th Hole: NTP:                   Gary Barnes

  9th Hole: D&P:                  James Huertas

10th Hole: D&P:                  Chris Dodd 

  8th Hole: Eagles Nest        Nobody (7th Jackpot)

Longest Drive: 16th Hole:

A-Grade:                              Darren Welsh

B-Grade:                              Chris Dodd  

C-Grade:                              Steve Buchanan

New Members:



Horse Lotto ($100):



Thanks to Darren Welsh and Steve Baker for cooking the BBQ

Thanks to Bully for bringing the meat, bread rolls & onions.



Saturday 14 September 2024

21/09/2024 - Woolooware Golf Course - Individual Stableford - 5:58am

 32 players teed off on a warm morning with clear skies and no wind.

The fairways were mainly dry with a thick covering of grass.

The Greens were in excellent condition rewarding the good putters among us. 

The Guzzlers Cup was won by James Huertas.

1st Place:                         James Huertas (39)

2nd Place:                        Scott Whyte (38) on a count back from John Dunn

3rd Place:                        John Dunn (38)

Pink Ball:                        Danny Yu (24)

Ball Prizes:

  3rd Hole: NTP:             Mick Connor

 4th Hole: NTP:              Mark Walton

10th Hole: NTP:             Daniel Johnstone

 6th Hole: D&P:             Scott Whyte

15th Hole: D&P:            Ian Tillbrook

16th Hole: Eagles Nest: Doug Regan ($150)

Longest drive: 14th Hole:

A Grade:                 Matt Whibley

B Grade:                 Chris Dodd

C Grade:                 Doug Regan



New Member:


Horse Lotto:




Saturday 7 September 2024

14/09/2024 - Calderwood Valley Golf Course - Multiplier 6x6x6 - Individual Stableford - 7:00am

30 players from Miranda Golf Club off on a cool morning (7-8 degrees) that quickly warmed up to 25 degrees by mid-morning.

The fairways had a very good grass cover and they had been well mowed producing a reasonable amount of 'run' and the rough was a bit long but in good condition.

The greens were in good condition with a thick mat of grass making putting challenging.

The Guzzlers Cup was won by Steve Baker (42 points).

1st Place Team:           Mick Connor, Steve Baker, Joe Taylor, John Dunn (309 points)

2nd Place Team:         Luke Keuenhoff, Adrian Adelerhof, Danny Yu, Geoff Hall (271 points)

Pink Ball:                     Not allocated

Ball Prizes:

  4th Hole: NTP:          Tim Tillbrook

13th Hole: NTP:           Mick Connor

17th Hole: NTP:           Tim Tillbrook

 2nd Hole: D&P:          Matt Whibley

10th Hole: D&P:          Daniel Johnstone

8th Hole: Eagles Nest: Nobody

15th Hole - Longest Drive:

A-Grade:    Tim Tillbrook

B-Grade:    Joe Taylor

C-Grade:    Steve Buchanan

Horse Lotto ($100):

Danny Yu

Rob Guidi


  1. Thanks to Steve Baker for cooking the BBQ.
  2. Thanks to Peter Bull for bringing the bread rolls, rissoles, sausages & onions
  3. Thanks to Peter Bull for bringing the drinks


Dave Aslan

New Members:



Scott Whyte donated plastic bag tags to all members that identified the player with the bag as a member of Miranda Social Golf Club. Life & Esteemed Members have additional recognition on the bag tag. Members greatly appreciated Scott's generosity and thanked him accordingly.

Saturday 31 August 2024

07/09/2024 - The Ridge Golf Course - Individual Stableford - 7th Eclectic Round - 6:20am

32 players teed off on a mainly fine day with little cloud cover at 6:30am that turned overcast in late morning.

Bunkers were in play and there was a 300mm preferred lie on the fairways only.

The greens were in very good condition but fast for putting.

The fairways were dry with good run for the ball.

The Guzzlers Cup was won by Brendan Chow

1st Place:                                            Brendan Chow (41 points)

2nd Place:                                           Chris Dodd (38 points) on a count back from Peter Jenkins

3rd Place:                                            Peter Jenkins (38 points)

Pink Ball:                                            Rob Gillespie (22 points) on a count back from Denis Daniels

Ball Prizes:

  8th Hole: NTP:                                  Tim Tillbrook

11th Hole: NTP:                                  Adrian Adelerhof

15th Hole: NTP:                                  Frank Fuller

 3rd Hole: D&P:                                  Brendan Chow 

12th Hole: D&P:                                 Matt Carlton

  5th Hole: Eagles Nest:                       Nobody

18th Hole: Longest Drive: A-Grade:  Tim Tillbrook 

18th Hole: Longest Drive: B-Grade:  Joe Taylor

18th Hole: Longest Drive: C-Grade:  Brendan Chow

New Members:





Thanks to Peter Bull for bringing the food

Thanks to Matt Saunders & Doug Regan for cooking the BBQ

Robert Guidi returned after an 8 week absence as he recovered from knee replacement surgery.

Horse Lotto ($100):




Saturday 24 August 2024

31/08/2024 - Gerringong Golf Course - 2 Ball Ambrose - 9:02am

22 players teed off on a windy, sunny and fine morning with the wind forecast to cease mid morning.

The fairways were mainly lush and green with the greens firm and fast for putting.

The 2-Ball Ambrose competition was played in good spirits with each team having to select 6 drives from each team member..

1st Place:                            Chris Dodd, James Huertas 7 Darren Welsh (65.68)

2nd Place:                          Peter Bull & Grant Thompson (66.5)

3rd Place:                           Matt Whibley, Steve O'Toole (68.25)

The 3-Ball Ambrose teams played under Las Vegas Ambrose rules:

Each player hits off the tee, the best shot is selected and all other players pick up their ball and place it within one handspan of the best ball. Only the 2 players that did not have the best shot play a 2nd shot.  If the best 2nd shot is not on the green, the best 2nd shot is selected and all other players pick up their ball and place it within one handspan of the best ball. Only the 2 players that did not have the best 2nd shot play a 3rd shot. This sequence continues until a best shot lands on the green at which point all 3 players can putt. 

Ball Prizes:

  2nd Hole: NTP:                  Ian Tillbrook

14th Hole: NTP:                   Geoff Hall

18th Hole: NTP:                   Steve O'Toole

  1st Hole: D&P:                  Chris Lee

10th Hole: D&P:                 James Huertas

  8th Hole: Eagles Nest        Nobody (7th Jackpot)

Longest Drive: 12th Hole:

A-Grade:                              Geoff Hall

B-Grade:                              Steve O'Toole

C-Grade:                              John Adelerhof

New Members:


Rodney Hoffman (mate of Grant Thompson)

Horse Lotto ($100):



Thanks to Tony Bedingfield and Steve Baker for cooking the BBQ

Thanks to Bully for bringing the meat, bread rolls & onions.



Saturday 17 August 2024

24/08/2024 - Woolooware Golf Course - 2 Ball Aggregate - Individual Stableford - 6:13am

30 players teed off on an overcast morning with thunder and lightning in the area. There was light rain on one hole but most players did not need to use their umbrellas. 

The fairways were mainly dry with a thick covering of grass.

The Greens had been cored with a light cover of sand but the grass was a bit long resulting in most putts short of the hole. 

The Guzzlers Cup was won by Matt Whibley with 41 points.

1st Place:                         Sam Lee & Peter Bull with 73 points.

2nd Place:                        John Dunn & Fred El-Daher (72 points)

Pink Ball:                        Darren Welsh (25)

Ball Prizes:

  3rd Hole: NTP:             Scott Wootton

 4th Hole: NTP:              Darren Welsh

10th Hole: NTP:             Scott Whyte

 6th Hole: D&P:             Julian Werrett

13th Hole: D&P:            Ian Tillbrook

16th Hole: Eagles Nest: Nobody

Longest drive: 18th Hole:

A Grade:                 James Huertas

B Grade:                 Peter Bull

C Grade:                 Brendan Chow



New Member:


Horse Lotto:




Saturday 10 August 2024

17/08/2024 - Boomerang Golf Course - Individual Stableford - 7:30am

24 players teed off on a cool morning (11 degrees) that cleared into a warmish day with no wind.

Bunkers were in play and most of the course was free of the muddy parts that we have seen in previous weeks despite overnight rain.

The greens were in good condition and very fast.

The Guzzlers Cup was won by Darren Welsh

1st Place:                               Darren Welsh (40)

2nd Place:                             Moz Huertas (37)

3rd Place:                              Chris Dodd (36)

Pink Ball:                              Fred El-Daher (19)

Ball Prizes:

  3rd Hole: NTP:                    Moz Huertas
10th Hole: NTP:                    George Soravia
14th Hole: NTP:                    Tony Bedingfield
  5th Hole: D&P:                    Chris Dodd 
18th Hole: D&P:                    Peter Bull

7th Hole: Eagles Nest:           Nobody

Longest Drive: 15th Hole:

A-Grade:                               James Huertas

B-Grade:                               Darren Welsh

C-Grade:                               Peter Jenkins

New Members:

Douglas Regan



Horse Lotto $100):



Peter Jenkins cooked the BBQ.

Peter Bull brought the food and the drinks


Norm Miles will turn 90 years of age on Tuesday 20/8/24.

10/08/2024 - The Ridge Golf Course - 2 Ball Best Ball (2BBB) Team Event - Individual Stableford - 6th ROUND ECLECTIC - 7:30

 24 players teed off on an overcast morning with a weather forecast or a warm day up to 19 degrees.

Bunkers were in play and there was a 300mm preferred lie on the fairways only.

The greens were in very good condition but fast for putting.

The fairways were mostly dry enabling good run for the ball.

The Guzzlers Cup was won by Tim Tillbrook (42 points).

The Pink Ball was awarded to Rob Gillespie with 21 points.

The 2BBB Team Event was won by Tim Tillbrook & Daniel Johnstone with 46 points

Ball Prizes:

  5th Hole: NTP:                                  Gary Barnes

  8th Hole: NTP:                                  Darren Welsh

15th Hole: NTP:                                  John Dunn

 3rd Hole: D&P:                                  Tim Tillbrook 

12th Hole: D&P:                                 Darren Welsh

11th Hole: Eagles Nest:                       Nobody

18th Hole: Longest Drive: A-Grade:  James Huertas

18th Hole: Longest Drive: B-Grade:  Darren Welsh

18th Hole: Longest Drive: C-Grade:  Luke Keuenhoff

New Members:





Thanks to Peter Bull for bringing the food

Thanks to Fred El-Daher and Luke Keuenhoff for cooking the BBQ

Tim Tillbrook scored 1 over PAR made achievable by 5 birdies in the round

Horse Lotto ($100):

Steve O'Grady



Saturday 27 July 2024

3/08/2024 - Boomerang Golf Course - Pairs Matchplay FINAL - Individual Stableford - 7:00am

25 players teed off on a cool and overcast morning that cleared into a warmish day with no wind.

Bunkers were out of play but most of the course was free of the muddy parts that we have seen in previous weeks despite overnight rain.

The greens were in good condition and very fast.

The Guzzlers Cup was won by Danny Yu

1st Place:                               Danny Yu (35)

2nd Place:                             Moz Huertas (34) on a count back from Mark Walton

3rd Place:                              Mark Walton (34)

Pink Ball:                              James Huertas (20)

Ball Prizes:

  3rd Hole: NTP:                    Tony Bedingfield
10th Hole: NTP:                    Moz Huertas
14th Hole: NTP:                    Moz Huertas
  1st Hole: D&P:                    John Dunn
17th Hole: D&P:                    
Matt Whibley

7th Hole: Eagles Nest:          Nobody

Longest Drive: 16th Hole:

A-Grade:                               Graham Clarke

B-Grade:                               John Dunn

C-Grade:                               Daniel Johnstone

New Members:




Horse Lotto $100):



Darren Welsh cooked the BBQ with the help of Mark Walton.

Adrian Adelerhof brought the food

Peter Bull brought the drinks


Welcome back to Rob Gillespie after his surgery 6 weeks ago.

Tim Tillbrook - Eagle - 4th Hole

Ian Tillbrook - Eagle - 13th Hole


Ian Tillbrook & Ian Tillbrook defeated Denis Daniels & Fred El-Daher 2 UP

Sunday 21 July 2024

2707/2024 - The Ridge Golf Course - Pairs Matchplay ROUND 3 - Individual Stableford - 7:00am

28 players teed off on wet and overcast morning with rain forecast for most of the morning.

As we made our way down the first hole there was thunder and a lightning flash that made us consider quitting.

Bunkers were in play and there was a 300mm preferred lie on the fairways only.

The greens were in very good condition but moistened by recent rain making putting difficult.

The fairways were very wet underfoot although motorized carts were allowed onto the course.

The Guzzlers Cup was won by Daniel Johnstone.

1st Place:                                            Daniel Johnstone (38)

2nd Place:                                           James Huertas (33) on a count back from Peter Bull

3rd Place:                                            Peter Bull (33)

Pink Ball:                                            Adrian Adelerhof (22)

Ball Prizes:

  5th Hole: NTP:                                  Mick Connor

 11th Hole: NTP:                                  Matt Whibley 

15th Hole: NTP:                                   Abraham Edwards

 3rd Hole: D&P:                                  Tim Tillbrook 

12th Hole: D&P:                                 Mick Connor

11th Hole: Eagles Nest:                       Nobody

17th Hole: Longest Drive: A-Grade:  Tim Tillbrook 

17th Hole: Longest Drive: B-Grade:  Chris Slack

17th Hole: Longest Drive: C-Grade:  Matt Saunders

New Members:



Abraham Edwards



Horse Lotto ($100):





Denis Daniels & Fred Eldaher won by default.

Ian Tillbrook & Tim Tillbrook defeated Adrian Adelerhof & Matt Saunders 4 & 2

Saturday 13 July 2024

20/07/2024 - Rosnay (Auburn) Golf Course - Pairs Matchplay ROUND 2 - Individual Stableford - 8:00am

26 players teed off on a cool morning (13 degrees) with overcast sky and the treat of rain in mind.

The grass cover in the 'rough' off the fairways was a bit thick causing players a bit of difficulty striking the green from the rough.

The greens were well manicured.

The Bunkers were out of play.

The Guzzlers Cup was won by Luke Keuenhoff

1st Place:                           Luke Keuenhoff (35)

2nd Place:                          Matt Saunders (34) on a count back from Ian Tillbrook & Daniel Johnstone

3rd Place:                           Ian Tillbrook (34)

Pink Ball:                           Peter Jenkins (17)

Ball Prizes:

  6th Hole: NTP:             John Dunn

  9th Hole: NTP:             Danny Yu

13th Hole: NTP:             Scott Whyte

  3rd Hole: D&P:            Tony Bedingfield

14th Hole: D&P:             Fred El-Daher

16th Hole: Eagles Nest:  Nobody

11th Hole: Longest Drive - A Grade: Chris Lee

11th Hole: Longest Drive - B Grade: Danny Yu

11th Hole: Longest Drive - C Grade:  Peter Jenkins



New Members:





Pairs Matchplay:

Ian & Tim Tillbrook defeated Scott Whyte & Ian Cooper 7&6

John Adelerhof & Graham Clarke defeated Moz Huertas and Tony Bedingfield 2&1

Adrian Adelerhof & Matt Saunders defeated John Dunn  & Danny Yu 4&3

Fred El-Daher & Denis Daniels defeated Mick Connor & Gary Barnes 3&2

Saturday 6 July 2024

13/07/2024 - Boomerang Golf Course - Individual Stableford - 8:00am

13 players teed off on an overcast morning that cleared into a warmish day with no wind.

Bunkers were out of play and parts of the course were muddy from recent rain but the course was mainly dry underfoot with fairways in reasonable condition despite the fact that the green-keeper had suggested closing the course earlier in the week.

The greens were in good condition.

The Guzzlers Cup was won by John Dunn

1st Place:                              John Dunn (36)

2nd Place:                             Ian Tillbrook (34)

3rd Place:                              Chris Dodd (33)

Pink Ball:                              Fred El-Daher (22)

Ball Prizes:

  3rd Hole: NTP:                    Ian Tillbrook
10th Hole: NTP:                    Ian Tillbrook
14th Hole: NTP:                    Mark Walton
  5th Hole: D&P:                    James Huertas
17th Hole: D&P:                    
Chris Dodd

7th Hole: Eagles Nest:          John Dunn ($20)

Longest Drive: 15th Hole:

A-Grade:                               Matt Whibley

B-Grade:                               Darren Welsh

C-Grade:                               Fred El_Daher

New Members:




Horse Lotto $100):



Adrian Adelerhof provided the food and beer.



Saturday 29 June 2024

06/07/2024 - The Ridge Golf Course - Pairs Matchplay ROUND 1 - Individual Stableford - 7:14am

 25 players teed off on a overcast morning with rain forecast later in the day.

It was 'tee up through the green' and the bunkers were GUR.

The greens were in very good condition but moistened by recent rain making putting difficult.

The fairways were very wet underfoot and motorized carts were not allowed onto the course.

The Guzzlers Cup was won by Tony Bedingfield.

1st Place:                                            Tony Bedingfield (45)

2nd Place:                                           Grant Thompson (38) 

3rd Place:                                            Chris Lee (37)

Pink Ball:                                            Adrian Adelerhof (18)

Ball Prizes:

  5th Hole: NTP:                                  Steve Baker

 11th Hole: NTP:                                  Tim Tillbrook 

15th Hole: NTP:                                  Nobody

 2nd Hole: D&P:                                  John Dunn

12th Hole: D&P:                                 Tony Bedingfield

11th Hole: Eagles Nest:                       Nobody

17th Hole: Longest Drive: A-Grade:  Moz Huertas

17th Hole: Longest Drive: B-Grade:  Tony Bedingfield

17th Hole: Longest Drive: C-Grade:  Grant Thompson

New Members:

Glenn Lord


Thanks to Adrian Adelerhof and Fred El-Daher for cooking the BBQ

Thanks to  Jeff Saunders for bringing the food especially as he did not play golf today and made a special trip to the course to bring the food. Greatly appreciated by all present.

Horse Lotto ($100):



Rob Guidi goes into hospital on Wednesday for surgery to replace his other knee. He will be back at golf in about 8 weeks. We wish him well.

Saturday 22 June 2024

29 June 2024 - Rosnay (Auburn) Golf Course - Individual Stableford - 8:04am

 25 players teed off on a cool morning (15 degrees) with clear skies and a light breeze.

The grass cover in the 'rough' off the fairways was a bit thick causing players a bit of difficulty striking the green from the rough.

The greens had a tick grass cover with only strong putts reaching the hole.

The Bunkers were out of play.

The Guzzlers Cup was won by Steve Buchanan

1st Place:                           Steve Buchanan (38)

2nd Place:                          Adrian Adelerhof (36)

3rd Place:                           Steve Baker (35)

Pink Ball:                           Fred El-Daher (20)

Ball Prizes:

  6th Hole: NTP:             Chris Dodd

  9th Hole: NTP:             Jeff Saunders

13th Hole: NTP:             Denis Daniels

  4th Hole: D&P:            Moz Huertas

14th Hole: D&P:             Mark Walton

16th Hole: Eagles Nest:  Rob Guidi ($34)

11th Hole: Longest Drive - A Grade: Darren Welsh

11th Hole: Longest Drive - B Grade: Gary Barnes

11th Hole: Longest Drive - C Grade:  Steve Baker



New Members:






Saturday 15 June 2024

22/06/2024 - Boomerang Golf Course - Individual Stableford - 7:00am

It was raining in Sydney all night before the game including the drive down to the course. The greens staff advised that the course was playable despite the fact that the fairways were soggy underfoot and bunkers were out of play.

Due to the conditions most of those who were scheduled to play chose not to do leaving the Captain no alternative but to cancel the competition game.

However 8 hearty golfers braved the conditions to have a game of golf.

After the game Tim Tillbrook advised:

"The course probably shouldn't have been open with the amount of water that was on the course.

But it didn't rain while we played but rained after we walked off the 18th hole.

Daniel Johnstone had 40 points so the weather obviously did not bother him"

Rob Gillespie underwent his hip operation yesterday (Friday 21 June) and is recovering well from the surgery.


Saturday 8 June 2024

15/06/2024 - Calderwood Valley Golf Course - Hacker's Challenge - 9:00am

The Hackers Challenge is a hotly contested competition between the Miranda Social Golf Club and the Engadine Hackers that has been in our playing calendar since 1997. As is the usual case the games were played in good spirits and all involved in the competition appeared to enjoy the experience. 

Miranda was defeated by The Hackers 6 to 2 with one drawn game. Congratulations to The Hackers for an outstanding effort to defeat the Miranda boys. MGC will now look forward to the rematch in 2025.

21 players from Miranda Golf Club and 18 from The Hackers teed off on a cool morning with rain drizzling for most of the morning.

The fairways had a very good grass cover and they had been well mowed producing a reasonable amount of 'run' and the rough was a bit long but in good condition.

The greens were in good condition with a thick mat of grass making putting challenging.

The Guzzlers Cup was won by Darren Welsh

1st Place:           Darren Welsh (39 points)

2nd Place:         Fred El-Daher (38)

3rd Place:          Luke Keuenhoff (37)  on a count back from Matt Whibley

Pink Ball:          Adrian Adelerhof (24)

Ball Prizes:

  4th Hole: NTP:          John Dunn

  6th Hole: NTP:          Fred El-Daher 

13th Hole: NTP:           Adrian Adelerhof 

 2nd Hole: D&P:          Paul McIntyre

18th Hole: D&P:          Tony Bedingfield

8th Hole: Eagles Nest: Nobody

15th Hole - Longest Drive:

A-Grade:    Rob Guidi

B-Grade:    Chris Dodd

C-Grade:    Fred El-Daher


  1. Thanks to Mick Connor & one of The Hackers for cooking the BBQ.
  2. Thanks to Peter Bull for bringing the bread rolls, rissoles, sausages & onions
  3. Thanks to Peter Bull for bringing the drinks



New Members:

Paul McIntyre


Rob Gillespie will be have a hip replacement surgery in a few weeks time and will not be playing golf for the next 8 weeks. Those present wished him well.

Sunday 2 June 2024

08/06/2024 - The Ridge Golf Course - Individual Stableford - 7:14AM

22 players teed off on a cool overcast but dry morning with little chance of rain.

30cm preferred lie on the fairways.

The greens were in very good condition and fast for putting.

The fairways were in good condition with plenty of run.

The Guzzlers Cup was won by Chris Dodd

1st Place:                                            Chris Dodd (39)

2nd Place:                                           Matt Whibley (36) 

3rd Place:                                           Tim Tillbrook (34) on a count back from 3 others

Pink Ball:                                            Grant Thompson (23) on a count back from Peter Jenkins

Ball Prizes:

  5th Hole: NTP:                                  Matt Whibley 

  8th Hole: NTP:                                  Matt Whibley 

15th Hole: NTP:                                  Tim Tillbrook

 2nd Hole: D&P:                                  Chris Lee

12th Hole: D&P:                                 Tony Bedingfield

11th Hole: Eagles Nest:                       Nobody

17th Hole: Longest Drive: A-Grade:  Matt Whibley

17th Hole: Longest Drive: B-Grade:  Darren Welsh

17th Hole: Longest Drive: C-Grade:  Grant Thompson

New Members:



Thanks to Scott Wootton for cooking the BBQ

Thanks to  Jeff Saunders for bringing the food

Horse Lotto ($100):


