35 players teed off on a humid but drizzly morning.
The course was predominantly dry underfoot but there was not a lot of run. The greens were moist and held the ball for approach shots but did not appear to negatively affect putting.
Guzzlers Cup:
Kieran Merrigan
1st Place: Kieran Merrigan (43 STAB points)
2nd Place: Ian Tillbrook (38 STAB points) on a count back from Paul Gordon
3rd Place: Paul Gordon (38 STAB points)
Pink Ball: Steve Buchanan (22 STAB points)
Ball Prizes:
3rd Hole: NTP: Ian Tillbrook
9th Hole: NTP: Ian Tillbrook
14th Hole: NTP: Rodney Dixon
1st Hole: D&P: Tim Tillbrook
17th Hole: D&P: Chris Lee
7th Hole: Eagles Nest: Rodney Dixon ($17)
Longest Drive: 15th Hole:
A-Grade: Mark Santer
B-Grade: Adrian Adelerhof
C-Grade: Paul Gordon
New Members:
Reece Connor
Ball Draw:
Dylan Connor
Wine Draw:
Horse Lotto $100):
- Annual Membership ($25) is due
- The Annual General Meeting will be held at Gymea Bowling Club on Tuesday 16 February at 7:30pm