After all the rain over last 4-5 weeks we finally got a club game in at The Ridge thanks to Gary Booby who accommodated our late booking which was required due to the course at Calderwood being closed due to the heavy rain that inundated the course during the week. Rob Guidi thanked Gary.
22 players attended today and all who attended were keen to have a swing.
The course was in good condition but still showed signs of the weather of recent weeks....will only improve further.
The Guzzlers Cup winner was Tony Bedingfield
1st Place: Tony Bedingfield (40 points)
2nd Place: Scott Wootton (38 points)
3rd Place: Denis Daniels (37 points)
Pink Ball: Grant Thompson (26 points) on a count back.
Eagles nest won by D.Yu......with one of his 3 birdies for the day.
3 visitors : Colin Mable, Richard Walker and Darren Welsh (also now a new member)