28 players teed off on a warm morning (21 degrees) that included a slight breeze and little could making it a humid 26-28 degree day.
Bunkers were in play.
The fairways had a good covering of grass albeit a little long. The grass in the rough was well mowed.
The greens were spotted with dead grass in places but were mainly in good condition making putting challenging.
The Guzzlers Cup was won by Grant Thompson
1st Place: Grant Thompson (45)
2nd Place: Steve O'Toole (37) on a count back from Gary Barnes
3rd Place: Gary Barnes (37)
Pink Ball: Ian Tillbrook
Ball Prizes:
3rd Hole: NTP: Scott Whyte
9th Hole: NTP: Scott Whyte
14th Hole: NTP: Matt Saunders
1st Hole: D&P: Grant Thompson
17th Hole: D&P: Julian Werrett
7th Hole: Eagles Nest: Nobody
Longest Drive: 15th Hole:
A-Grade: Chris Lee
B-Grade: Steve O'Toole
C-Grade: Steve Baker
New Members:
Bruce Crebbin
Horse Lotto $100):
Steve Baker cooked the BBQ.
Peter Bull brought the drinks and food