Saturday, 25 January 2025

01/02/2025 - Rosnay (Auburn) Golf Course - Individual Stableford - 06:47am

35 players teed off on a warm morning (21 degrees) with overcast sky and a forecast of a warm and humid day.

The grass cover in the 'rough' off the fairways was a bit thick causing players a bit of difficulty striking the green from the rough.

The greens were well manicured.

The Bunkers were in challenging.

The Guzzlers Cup was won by Danny Yu

1st Place:                           Danny Yu (37)

2nd Place:                          Bruce Crebbin (37) on a count back from Darren Welsh

3rd Place:                           Darren Welsh (37)

Pink Ball:                           Chris Gordon (18)

Ball Prizes:

  6th Hole: NTP:            Danny Yu

  9th Hole: NTP:             Mark Walton

13th Hole: NTP:             Chris Lee

  3rd Hole: D&P:            Tim Tillbrook

14th Hole: D&P:             Grant Varidel

16th Hole: Eagles Nest:  Chris Gordon ($30)

11th Hole: Longest Drive - A Grade: Graham Clarke

11th Hole: Longest Drive - B Grade: John Dunn

11th Hole: Longest Drive - C Grade:  Fred El-Daher

Horse Lotto ($100):

John Adelerhof



New Members:

Grant Varidel

Tom McHugh

Ryan Holt

Chris Gordon


Darren Fuller celebrates his 41st birthday tomorrow and his mates wanted to celebrate it today with a game of golf together.



Saturday, 18 January 2025

25/01/2025 - The Ridge Golf Course - Individual Stableford - 6:20am

32 players teed off on a warm clear morning.

Bunkers were in play and there was a 300mm preferred lie on the fairways only.

The greens were in very good condition and fast as they had been recently mowed.

The fairways were dry producing plenty of run.

The Guzzlers Cup was won by Peter Jenkins

1st Place:                                            Peter Jenkins (41 points)

2nd Place:                                           Sam Lee (40 points) 

3rd Place:                                           Julian Werrett (37 points on a count back from Doug Regan

Pink Ball:                                            Scott Whyte (21 points)

Ball Prizes:

  5th Hole: NTP:                                  Matt Whibley

11th Hole: NTP:                                  Tim Tillbrook

15th Hole: NTP:                                  Sam Lee

 3rd Hole: D&P:                                  George Soravia

12th Hole: D&P:                                 Tim Tillbrook

 8th Hole: Eagles Nest:                       Nobody

17th Hole: Longest Drive: A-Grade:  Tim Tillbrook 

17th Hole: Longest Drive: B-Grade:  Rob Gillespie

17th Hole: Longest Drive: C-Grade:  Rodney Dixon

New Members:





Thanks to Jeff Saunders for bringing the food

Thanks to Tony Bedingfield and Matt Gillespie for cooking the BBQ

Horse Lotto ($100):

John Adelerhof


Mick Connor will send an email out during the week about the arrangements for the Weekend away in late February. Those will be playing 2-3 games of golf and requiring accommodation will need to pay a $250 deposit by next weekend.

Saturday, 11 January 2025

18/01/2025 - Calderwood Valley Golf Course - Ray Fenton Memorial - Individual Stableford - 7:00am

25 players embarked on the long journey to Calderwood Valley from Sydney where wind and rain were quite ferocious during the night and early morning when they left home.

When we arrived at Calderwood Golf Course the skies were over cast but rain and wind had abated allowing us to tee off with an expectation that we might have a good conditions for our game of golf

However after 4 or 5 holes it did start to rain and we had to use our umbrellas and rain gear. The conditions changed several times during the game and we even had blues skies and warm sunshine at one point during the morning.

The fairways had a very good grass cover and they had been well mowed producing a reasonable amount of 'run' and the rough was a bit long but in good condition.

The greens were in good condition albeit a bit damp making putts challenging as they were short of the pin.

Bunkers were out of play and players were allowed 6 inch preferred lie through the green.

The Guzzlers Cup was won by Tony Bedingfield

The winner of the Ray Fenton Memorial Day was also Tony Bedingfield

1st Place:              Tony Bedingfield (37 points) on a count back from Rob Gillespie & Mark Walton

2nd Place:             Rob Gillespie (37 points) on a count back from Mark Walton

3rd Place:              Mark Walton (37 points)

Pink Ball:              Julian Werrett (21 points)

Ball Prizes:

  4th Hole: NTP:           Graham Clarke

  6th Hole: NTP:           Peter Bull

13th Hole: NTP:           Geoff Hall

 2nd Hole: D&P:          Tony Bedingfield

10th Hole: D&P:          Tony Bedingfield

8th Hole: Eagles Nest: Frank Fuller ($13)

16th Hole - Longest Drive:

A-Grade:    Frank Fuller

B-Grade:    Chris Dodd

C-Grade:    Mark Walton

Horse Lotto ($100):



  1. There was no BBQ as we were unsure as to whether the game would be on due to bad weather that we were experiencing in Sydney and how many players would actually turn up at Calderwood.
  2. Thanks to Peter Bull for bringing the drinks


Ex-MGC member, Nathan Swain, traveled to Sydney for a family reunion and was able to join us at golf.

New Members:



Congratulations to Darren Welsh who turned 50 last Thursday.

Saturday, 4 January 2025

11/01/2025 - Woolooware Golf Course - 2 Ball Ambrose - 05:46am

29 players teed off on a drizzly overcast morning with rain forecast for most of the day but we only needed the umbrellas on a few holes. It was a mainly dry morning and it was not very wet underfoot despite the torrential rain that fell overnight.

The fairways were dry with a thick covering of grass but patchy on some fairways.

The Greens were in excellent condition but the moisture content made putting challenging.

There were no Guzzlers Cup or Pink Ball awards given out as it was an Ambrose competition.

1st Place:                         Joe Taylor, Ben Everson, Darryn Fuller - 56.25

2nd Place:                        Matt Saunders, Moz Huertas, Gary Barnes - 59

3rd Place:                        Rob Guidi, Steve Buchanan, Rob Gillespie - 63

Pink Ball:                        Not awarded

Ball Prizes:

  3rd Hole: NTP:              Darryn Fuller

  4th Hole: NTP:              Danny Yu

10th Hole: NTP:              Ben Everson

  6th Hole: D&P:             Steve O'Grady

11th Hole: D&P:             Rob Guidi

10th Hole: Eagles Nest:  Moz Huertas ($25)

Longest drive: 18th Hole:

A Grade:                 Darryn Welsh

B Grade:                 Darryn Fuller

C Grade:                 Jeff Saunders



New Member:

Ben Everson

Horse Lotto:



Matt Gillespie rejoined after a long lay-off